1. Lesson Introduction

Hello everyone. Today, we will start by reviewing what we learned in our last lesson and then move on to some new vocabulary and grammar points. The goal of today’s lesson is to help you use the past tense in Korean to talk about what you did last week.

2. Introducing New Grammar: Past Tense A/V-았/었어요

In Korean, when you want to talk about something that happened in the past, you add 았어요 or 었어요 to the verb or adjective stem.

  • For example, the verb 보다 (to see) becomes 봤어요 in the past tense.
  • Another example: 먹다 (to eat) becomes 먹었어요 in the past tense.

Grammar Rules:

  • If the verb stem ends in the vowel or → Add 았어요
    • Example: 가다 → 갔어요 (went)
  • If the verb stem ends in other vowels → Add 었어요
    • Example: 읽다 → 읽었어요 (read – past tense)

Some verbs are irregular:

  • 하다했어요 (did)

3. Vocabulary Practice

Let’s learn some new vocabulary for today:

  • 친구 (Friend)
  • 피자 (Pizza)
  • 백화점 (Department store)
  • 병원 (Hospital)
  • 노래방 (Karaoke room)
  • 영화 (Movie)
  • 구두 (Dress shoes)
  • 청소하다 (To clean)
  • 재미있다 (To be interesting/fun)

Please repeat after me to practice pronunciation.

4. Activity 1: What Did You Do Last Week? (Practice Exercise)

Now, let’s complete the exercise from your book. Look at the calendar illustration and fill in the blanks with the correct words.


  • December 7: 친구를 만났어요. (I met a friend.)
  • December 8: 백화점에 갔어요. (I went to the department store.)
  • December 9: 머리가 아파서 병원에 갔어요. (I went to the hospital because I had a headache.)
  • December 10: 노래를 불렀어요. (I sang a song.)
  • December 12: 영화를 봤어요. (I watched a movie.)

I will help guide you as you complete the remaining sentences.

5. Conversation Practice

Now, let’s practice a dialogue in pairs. One person will ask questions, and the other will answer.

A: 어제 뭐 했어요? (What did you do yesterday?) B: 공부했어요. (I studied.)

A: 토요일에 영화를 봤어요? (Did you watch a movie on Saturday?) B: 네, 봤어요. 재미있었어요. (Yes, I did. It was fun.)

6. Wrap-up and Homework

Please review what we learned today. For homework, write five sentences about what you did last week using the past tense.

For example:

  • 지난 주에 친구를 만났어요. (I met a friend last week.)
  • 일요일에 영화를 봤어요. (I watched a movie on Sunday.)

I’ll check your homework in the next class.

Good job today, and I’ll see you in the next lesson!